[ The first real elegant dress, Coco Chanel created by "little black dress" (little black dress), which was relatively quick to wear your favorite cocktail was visiting ladies. A cocktail of 20's era began to emerge, and later became a center for social gatherings of consumption in America. Alcohol ban at that time was just the men returned from the war, during which the women worked in factories, that the war is money. Therefore, the war ended, they wanted to forget the bad, and instead of alcohol on social life and devoted their leisure. Later, the prohibition of alcohol stored in home instead of the cocktail ingredients required, so it was preferable to immediately organize a party. ]
Az efféle bulik sikkesek voltak, divatosak, felöltöztek rá az emberek, de nem annyira, mint egy eleganciát követelő vacsorára. Így született meg a nőknél a koktélruha. Az első ilyen alkalmi ruhák a 20-as évek közepétől jelentek meg, akkor leginkább serdülő lányok hordták. Eredetileg takarták a térdet a műselyemből és szövetből készült darabok. A 30-as években a koktélpartik társadalmi eseménnyé nőtték ki magukat, és az idősebb nők körében is népszerűvé vált a koktélruha, melynek szabása ekkorra finomodott, ám díszesebb lett, például csipkével.
[ Such parties were chic, trendy, dressed peoples, but not as much as requiring an elegant dinner. Thus was born the women's little dress. The first of these casual clothes in the mid-20s appeared, they wore the most adolescent girls. Originally, the knee was covered in the rayon fabric and cuts. In the 30s and became into a cocktail social event in themselves, and older women also became popular among the little sresses with a refined cut that time, but became more ornate, such as lace. ]
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