Igy világrekorder lett. Az ösz haju szépség azota dolgozik a divat világában, amiota 15 éves korában szerepelt a VOGUE magazin cimlapján. Ezután még ötször fotozták a VOGUE cimlapjára, es 14 kozmetikai márka arca volt. Máig oriasi a kereslet rá, a leghiresebb divattervezök szerepeltetik a kifutoikon, és olyan fotosok versengenek érte, mint Richard Avedon, aki világsztárokat szokott fénykepezni. Carmen olasz es magyar szulöktöl származik.
" Kiskorom ota a divat világában élek. Mivel szuleim sokat összevesztek, gyerekkorom jo részet otthonokban töltöttem."
- mesélte Carmen a VOGUE magazin ujságirojának.
[ Now celebrated her 80th birthday of the oldest model, Carmen Dell'Orefice.
She was the world recorder now. Since then the white-haired beauty working in the fashion world since the age of 15 featured in the VOGUE magazine. Then photographed five times the cover of VOGUE, and 14 was the face of cosmetic brand. It is still a huge demand, the famous designers included in the catwalk and photographers are competing for it, as Richard Aveda, who take photoshoot many world stars too. Carmen comes from the Italian and Hungarian parents.
"I live in the world of fashion since I was a child. Quarreled a lot because my parents fight each other a lot."
She was the world recorder now. Since then the white-haired beauty working in the fashion world since the age of 15 featured in the VOGUE magazine. Then photographed five times the cover of VOGUE, and 14 was the face of cosmetic brand. It is still a huge demand, the famous designers included in the catwalk and photographers are competing for it, as Richard Aveda, who take photoshoot many world stars too. Carmen comes from the Italian and Hungarian parents.
"I live in the world of fashion since I was a child. Quarreled a lot because my parents fight each other a lot."
- Carmen told the VOGUE magazine journalist. ]

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